Nous protégeons la santé des Canadiens.

La santé publique environnementale touche tous les aspects de notre vie, de l’air que nous respirons à l’eau et aux aliments que nous consommons, en passant par les lieux où nous travaillons, vivons et jouons. En qualité de professionnels de la santé publique environnementale, nous veillons à la sécurité des Canadiens.

Qu’est-ce que la santé publique environnementale ?

La santé publique environnementale est l’une des pierres angulaires de communautés sûres, fonctionnelles et florissantes. Le travail qu’effectuent les professionnels de la santé publique environnementale est essentiel pour la protection de notre eau, de notre nourriture, de notre terre, de notre air et de nos installations.

Les professionnels de la santé publique environnementale nous protègent tous en exerçant les activités suivantes :

Application de la loi sur la santé publique

Salubrité des aliments

Salubrité de l’eau potable

Salubrité des eaux récréatives

Établissements de garde et de soins

Événements spéciaux et festivals

Contrôle des maladies transmissibles

Équipes d’intervention d’urgence

Lutte contre le tabagisme

Qualité de l’air

Promotion de la santé

Gestion des dangers sanitaires

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Events & education

December 1, 2023

CIPHI National Virtual Education Series – Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors Education Committee is seeking presentations...

Events & education

December 18, 2023

CIPHI Virtual Education Series

December 20th Virtual Education Session (Session is free and open to all…
Cover for Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors

The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) represents and unites environmental public

📣 Upcoming Webinar: TOMORROW 📣Life is Simple, Until You Add Other People – Mastering Collaboration with Real Humans with Beth Hanishewski📅 Thursday July 18th, 2024⏰ 12pm EST💻 Registration: Beth Hanishewski is an international speaker, coach and writer who teaches people the art of life mastery. She has shared the stage with some the world’s top speakers including Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma, Lisa Nichols and Mike Dooley in Australia, United States and Canada.Relationships are at the heart of everything that matters. Family. Friends. Business partnerships. Clients. Colleagues. Everyone. If you have humans in your life, the relationship you have with them affects your stress, your ability to produce results, your mental focus and your overall wellness. If your relationships are strong, stable and happy, it shows in everything you do. If they are not, it shows there too. In this interactive session, Beth Hanishewski inspires audiences teaching them the mathematics of relationships, productive teambuilding and effective collaborations with a proven formula that when mastered, can enhance every relationship in your life.Training Takeaways:📋 A 3-step FORMULA that can impact every relationship you have.🛠️A SYSTEM for conflict resolution that can create immediate results💡 A new UNDERSTANDING of how people think, act and work. ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us at the 88th CIPHI National Annual Education Conference!📆 September 22nd to September 25th, 2024📍 Regina, Saskatchewan🌟 Early Bird Delegate Registration is Open Until August 1st🔗Registration: 📋Schedule: 🎤 Keynote Speakers:• Dr. Lisa Bélanger🧠 Behavioural Change Expert & Researcher• Jill Heinerth🌊 Explorer-in-Residence, The Royal Canadian Geographical Society• Aaron Tootoosis & Lyndon J Linklater🛠️ Workshop Information:Climate & Health:🌍 Climate change continues to be one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, human health, and economies worldwide.This workshop aims to provide a platform for learning, sharing, and developing strategies to effectively manage the impact of climate change on our environment and communities’ health.Building Power for Health Equity:💪 Changing the structural determinants of health and advancing health equity require shifting the balance in power relations from groups that currently benefit from inequities to groups that are harmed by inequities. Through a combination of presentation and facilitated activities, participants will develop the skills to understand, analyze, and develop strategies to address power imbalances.📢 Don't miss out! Register today! ... See MoreSee Less
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📣 Upcoming Webinar: Reminder! 📣Life is Simple, Until You Add Other People – Mastering Collaboration with Real Humans with Beth Hanishewski📅 Thursday July 18th, 2024⏰ 12pm EST💻 Registration: Beth Hanishewski is an international speaker, coach and writer who teaches people the art of life mastery. She has shared the stage with some the world’s top speakers including Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma, Lisa Nichols and Mike Dooley in Australia, United States and Canada.Beth Hanishewski has a degree in Sociology, is a Certified Life coach from Results Coaching Systems out of New York, and is member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. For over twenty-five years she has been providing guidance to people from every walk of life to improve their business, their mindset and personal lives.Beth has been called “the Swiss army knife of coaches” with a knack for simplifying the most complex workplace and personal problems into small doable steps.Training Takeaways:📋 A 3-step FORMULA that can impact every relationship you have.🛠️A SYSTEM for conflict resolution that can create immediate results💡 A new UNDERSTANDING of how people think, act and work. ... See MoreSee Less
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📣 Upcoming Webinar: Register Now! 📣Life is Simple, Until You Add Other People – Mastering Collaboration with Real Humans with Beth Hanishewski📅 Thursday July 18th, 2024⏰ 12pm EST💻 Registration: Beth Hanishewski is an international speaker, coach and writer who teaches people the art of life mastery. She has shared the stage with some the world’s top speakers including Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma, Lisa Nichols and Mike Dooley in Australia, United States and Canada.Relationships are at the heart of everything that matters. Family. Friends. Business partnerships. Clients. Colleagues. Everyone. If you have humans in your life, the relationship you have with them affects your stress, your ability to produce results, your mental focus and your overall wellness. If your relationships are strong, stable and happy, it shows in everything you do. If they are not, it shows there too. In this interactive session, Beth Hanishewski inspires audiences teaching them the mathematics of relationships, productive teambuilding and effective collaborations with a proven formula that when mastered, can enhance every relationship in your life.Training Takeaways:📋 A 3-step FORMULA that can impact every relationship you have.🛠️A SYSTEM for conflict resolution that can create immediate results💡 A new UNDERSTANDING of how people think, act and work. ... See MoreSee Less
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📣 Upcoming Webinar: TOMORROW 📣National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024: Truth and Reconciliation, Colonialism, Residential Schools – Allyship (Treaty Talks) presented by Dr. James Makokis📅 Wednesday June 19th, 2024⏰ 12pm EST💻 Registration: James Makokis shares his unique perspective on a powerful journey shedding light on the harsh realities of colonialism in Canada and its lasting impact on First Nation communities and individuals. With unwavering honesty, Dr. Makokis unveils the structures and systems that stripped Indigenous peoples of their cultural heritage, languages, and traditions. Through a compelling exploration of colonialism's enduring legacy, he reveals how these systems continue to perpetuate inequality and unfair treatment faced by Indigenous communities today.You may also recognize Dr. Makokis and his partner, Anthony Johnson, as the winners of The Amazing Race Canada Season 7, a feat they accomplished while showcasing their advocacy for marginalized individuals and bringing attention to the impact of discrimination. Dr. Makokis is known for his ability to challenging stereotypes and harmful views by unifying allies to help the outcomes for individuals that face discrimination. Let us be inspired by his determination, enlightened by his knowledge, and motivated by his profound dedication to service. Dr. James Makokis brings a message of compassion, hope, and how we can unite with his mission for equity, access, and equality for his peoples. ... See MoreSee Less
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Adhérez à l’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

L’ICISP est la seule association nationale qui représente les professionnels de la santé publique environnementale au Canada (également connus sous le nom d’inspecteurs en santé publique et d’agents d’hygiène du milieu). Elle fait partie intégrante de l’avancement de la santé publique. L’ICISP et ses membres travaillent sans relâche à protéger la santé de tous les Canadiens, à faire avancer les sciences de l’environnement et de la santé et à améliorer le domaine de l’inspection de la santé publique.

Qu’il s’agisse d’offres d’emploi, de perfectionnement professionnel continu ou d’avantages pour les membres, l’adhésion à l’ICISP vous donne l’occasion d’avancer dans votre carrière en santé publique environnementale et d’établir d’excellentes relations avec vos collègues à l’échelle du Canada.

Vous cherchez un emploi en tant que professionnel de la santé publique de l’environnement ?

Conférence éducative nationale annuelle

Rejoignez-nous dans la belle ville de Regina, en Saskatchewan, pour la 88e Conférence éducative nationale annuelle de l’ICISP. Saisissez l’occasion d’apprendre, de collaborer et de faire du réseautage avec des partenaires et des collègues de tout le Canada.

La conférence vous permettra d’obtenir un nombre important d’heures de perfectionnement professionnel à appliquer à votre profil annuel de compétences professionnelles continues de l’ICISP.

Conférence éducative nationale annuelle