Perfectionnement professionnel continu

Programme de compétences professionnelles continues (CPC)

Le programme CPC a débuté le 1er janvier 2010 pour tous les membres réguliers de l’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique (ICISP). Auparavant, les professionnels de la santé publique environnementale (PSPE) n’étaient pas tenus de démontrer le maintien de leurs compétences après leur certification. Ainsi, tout détenteur du CISP(C) restait certifié, qu’il exerce ou non dans le domaine ou qu’il suive ou non une formation ou un perfectionnement professionnel.

L’ICISP a développé le programme CPC pour faciliter la reconnaissance professionnelle des détenteurs du CISP(C), pour les tenir au courant des développements continus dans le domaine de la santé publique environnementale et pour soutenir leur perfectionnement professionnel continu. Le conseil de l’expérience professionnelle (CEP) a été créé en 2010 pour administrer le programme.

Le programme CPC est un outil incorporé par l’ICISP pour s’assurer que tous les PSPE intègrent le perfectionnement professionnel continu pendant qu’ils sont actifs dans le domaine de la santé publique environnementale. En outre, le programme CPC :


Fournit aux PSPE certifiés une protection contre les difficultés liées aux compétences personnelles


Offre aux employeurs la possibilité d’évaluer les compétences du personnel et d’aider à orienter le perfectionnement professionnel


Soutient les PSPE dans l’acquisition et le maintien des compétences essentielles à leur rôle


S’aligne sur la certification CISP(C), renforçant le statut reconnu des PSPE en tant que professionnels spécialisés

Vue d’ensemble du programme CPC

Code de déontologie

Les attentes de base en matière de
conduite professionnelle de tous les PSPE

Ressources et FAQ

Vous avez des questions sur le programme CPC?

Modèle de perfectionnement

professionnel (PP) des CPC

Le modèle de PP fixe
le nombre annuel d’heures de perfectionnement professionnel (HPP)
exigées des membres réguliers de l’ICISP

Compétences spécifiques

à la discipline

Les connaissances, compétences et aptitudes essentielles
nécessaires pour réussir à exercer la fonction de PSPE
au-delà de la certification CISP(C)

Heures de perfectionnement professionnel (HPP)

Les membres réguliers de l’ICISP sont tenus d’obtenir des HPP tout au long de l’année civile. Il leur incombe de revoir chaque année les exigences de l’ICISP en matière de perfectionnement professionnel.

Plans d’apprentissage

Le programme CPC est conçu pour encourager les PSPE à réfléchir de manière critique à leur pratique et à évaluer leurs capacités par rapport aux compétences spécifiques à la discipline. En complétant un plan d’apprentissage, les PSPE peuvent réfléchir aux activités d’apprentissage auxquelles ils participent. De cette manière, les connaissances développées grâce aux activités d’apprentissage peuvent être utilisées dans la pratique quotidienne.

Le conseil de l’expérience professionnelle (CEP)

Créé en 2010, le conseil de l’expérience professionnelle (CEP) administre le programme de compétences professionnelles continues (CPC). Le CEP est composé de membres nommés après consultation des branches de l’ICISP et du conseil exécutif national.

Vous pouvez communiquer avec le CEP par courriel à l’adresse suivante :

Règlement concernant le conseil de l’expérience professionnelle

Cameron Weighill

Past Chair

Cameron is a senior public health inspector in the York Region of Ontario. A CIPHI member since 2000, he joined CoPE in 2021. He has been active with CIPHI at the provincial level as a councilor and previous president of the CIPHI Ontario Branch, and recognizes CIPHI’s importance in maintaining the integrity of the CPHI(c) credential and ensuring its members have the knowledge and skills to protect the lives of Canadians.
A long-time, strong supporter of CoPE, Cameron was active at the national level during the initial implementation of the CPC program, and in advancing key requirements around the program, the CPHI(C) credential, and CIPHI membership.
Cameron is so passionate about public health that the only person who would marry him was another public health inspector. He also enjoys aerial photography and triathlons.
Education: Bachelor of Environment Health (BCIT); Master in Science (University of Calgary)

Karen Hann


Karen Hann is an environmental health officer in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, who has been a CIPHI member since 2004, and CoPE member since 2019. She values CIPHI for representing environmental public health professionals in the field of public health as it continues to expand and evolve, and joined CoPE so she could be involved with the process and development of core competencies.

One of Karen’s career highlights is working at the majestic Gros Morne National Park.

Karen loves challenging her culinary skills, camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting, so she probably has a recipe for braised moose that will knock your socks right off.

Education: Bachelor's Degree

Stacey Sowa


Stacey became a CIPHI member in 2011and joined CoPE in 2018. Working in Parksville, British Columbia as an environmental health officer with Island Health, Stacey began her career with the First Nations Inuit Health Branch, flying into small, remote communities in northern Manitoba, followed by a year with Manitoba Health. She joined the council to help build the profession and contribute to CIPHI in a meaningful way.

As the BC Branch page editor, Stacey won the BC Branch Member of the Year Award in 2019, and values both her branch and CIPHI for serving as a unified voice for environmental public health professionals (EPHPs), particularly as EPHPs rarely fit in within the government agency they fall under and even unions often lack an understanding of their role.

After a long day of digging enormous holes in her backyard, Stacey loves to have a craft beer and dream about the -40℃ winters in her home province, Manitoba.

Education: Bsc in Microbiology; BTech in Environmental Health

Jennifer Guth


A public health inspector in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Jennifer has been a CIPHI member since 2015, valuing the organization as integral to maintaining the reputation of the environmental public health profession. Jennifer joined CoPE in 2021 to help improve professional development opportunities.

In the field, Jennifer has dealt with a month straight of rural boil water orders and a badger in a well shed, while, outside of work, as a former lifeguard she is a devoted swimmer.

Education: BSc in each of Science, Education, and Environmental Health; university certificate in Infection Prevention and Control; Master in Educational Technology

Alden Georget


Alden has been working for the Sask. Health Authority in Prince Albert for over 19 years. He’s originally from Prince Albert, so it’s only natural that he originally wanted to become a marine biologist, but that didn’t happen. Luckily, he discovered that Public Health Inspection was a viable option, which was realized at Concordia in 2005. He’s passionate about public education and reinforcing healthier practices throughout society. Networking and committee work are also very important to him as he’s also a councillor with CIPHI Sask. Branch.

Dr. Wendy Pons


A Professor in the Bachelor of Environmental Health at Conestoga College, Wendy has been a CIPHI member for over 15 years. She recognizes the community of practice that supports its members and enhances knowledge. She currently sits on the advisory board for the NCCEH and is the editor of the Environmental Health Review. She joined CoPE in 2022 to contribute further to the profession and to build new connections.

Wendy's career highlights include educating future EPHPs at Toronto Metropolitan University and Conestoga and working in the Region of Peel in various roles (PHI, health promoter, research and policy analyst, and supervisor of the vector-borne team).

In her spare time, she loves traveling with her husband and two daughters. Ask her a thing or two about horses and she will be sure to impress you!

Education: Public health undergraduate degree (BASc, TMU); Masters of Environmental Science and Management (MASc, TMU); Doctorate in Epidemiology (PhD, University of Guelph)

Karen Edgar


An environmental health officer with the PEI Department of Health & Wellness in Charlottetown, P.E.I., Karen joined CIPHI in 2013, and CoPE in 2020. She sees the CPC program and its emphasis on continuing professional development as a key component of CIPHI membership, and joined the council to meet other environmental public health professionals from across Canada.

Career highlights include mentoring an environmental health officer candidate in the summer of 2019, and working as an environmental health officer during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Karen has a dog, Toby, who is the size of a small horse. It almost won the Kentucky Derby (unconfirmed fact).

Education: BTech in Environmental Health (BCIT); Diploma of Technology in Food Technology (BCIT); BSc in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (SFU)

Jessica Crawley


A Public Health Inspector with many years of experience, started in Ontario then moved back to NB where she has been working for the Department of Justice and Public Safety. As a bilingual Public Health Inspector she is excited to have joined CoPE in 2022 so she can further contribute to CIPHI by getting more involved with the organization.

Jessica enjoys family movie night outdoors during the summer and going on family vacation to Disney World.

Education: B.Tech in Environmental Health

Garth Gosselin

National Representative

Garth is a manager in the Central Zone of Alberta Health Services. Garth has been a CIPHI member since 1995 and joined CoPE in 2022.

Garth has been involved with CIPHI at the provincial and national level in the past including as a zone councilor, organizing provincial conferences, assisting with national conferences, and seven years on the Board of Certification including a term as chair. Garth is a firm believer that we all need to do our part to build and support the organization and the profession and is looking forward to a new chapter with CoPE.

Garth is married with three adult children. He enjoys hiking, backpacking, camping and just generally being outdoors and busy.

Education BASc Toronto Metropolitan University

Khatija Essaji


Working as an environmental health officer with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Khatija works on the Northern Peninsula on the island of Newfoundland, and the north coast of Labrador.

Khatija has been a member of CIPHI since 2016, and a member of CoPE since 2023. As the only EHO working in a rural office, Khatija wanted to get involved with CoPE to connect with other health inspectors across the country and contribute to the development of the profession.

Khatija enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and cooking up a good scoff!

Chantal Stevens


A Public Health Inspector with Peterborough Public Health, Chantal joined CIPHI in 2014. She has joined CoPE in 2024 as she is passionate about professional development, continuing education, and learning from other EPHPs.

Career highlights include working for the Ontario Parks Public Health Program, the PEI Department of Health and Wellness, and returning to work in her home community of Peterborough, Ontario.

Chantal spends her spare time painting, learning photography, walking beaches and spoiling her dog Murphy.

Education: Bachelor of Applied Science – Public Health (Ryerson University- now Toronto Metropolitan University)

Amandeep Singh


A Public Health Inspector with the Government of Manitoba, Aman is new to the field and got certified in October 2023. He joined CoPE in 2024 to help contribute his time and efforts towards a team that ensures professional development and continuing education.

Aman is passionate about public health as he believes he is a part of a team that ensures prevention of disease, reducing the burden on the Canadian Health Care system.

Aman enjoys spending time with his friends and family, learning new things, watching sitcoms but also love being outdoors as much as possible and enjoy the small but important moments in life.

Education: Bsc in Biotechnology; BHsc Public Health