
In this day and age, time has become extremely precious. We simply cannot afford to waste it. Our members today, and in the future, should avail themselves of all the data at hand to prevent repeating or spoiling the work of the past. In these pages you will find a report of the foundation for our organization. It is our responsibility to build to it.

– Thomas E. Elliott, C.S.I. (C), President,
Canadian Institute of Sanitary Inspectors (1961)

In the Beginning

In the Beginning, covering our history from 1913 to 1934, was written by Alex Cross, CSI(C), in 1961 and used in 1963 to mark our 50th anniversary.


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Up the Years

Up The Years, covering the years 1934 to 1970, was researched and compiled in 1974 by the then-retired president of the Canadian Institute of Sanitary Inspectors, Thomas Elliot. Published in 1975, it is a sequel to the earlier history written by Alex Cross, CSI(C), in 1961.


The answer, from the beginning, was to create a national body for the advancement of sanitary science, to raise the status of the inspector, provide training and qualification, [and] permit representation by inspectors in the major health associations. A body which could speak with authority in representing this profession.

“The Institute was, and is, necessary and desired.

– Thomas E. Elliott, C.S.I. (C), former President,
Canadian Institute of Sanitary Inspectors (1974)


L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en hygiène publique est né le 3 janvier 1934 lorsque le secrétaire d’État du Canada a donné un « avis public » indiquant que des lettres patentes avaient été délivrées à l’Institut conformément aux dispositions de la « Loi des compagnies ». Ce fut l’aboutissement d’un processus qui avait commencé 14 ans plus tôt, en 1920.

Our predecessors

We’re proud of and grateful to all the people who had the foresight, determination, and character to build an organization committed to protecting the health of all Canadians.